Michelle Ng

Onward and Upward|Triumphing over Hong Kong’s education system

Onward and Upward|An infinite capacity for taking pains

Onward and Upward|Scoring high on the argumentative essay

Onward and Upward|Rescuing a near-hopeless IB English essay

Onward and Upward|It’s the DSE English Language paper that deserves a bad grade

Onward and Upward|Navigating narrative writing

Onward and Upward|The power of 比喻

Onward and Upward|香港政府並不是全廢,至少能幫我們提升英文

Onward and Upward|依樣畫葫蘆

Onward and Upward|「裸露!退!」

Onward and Upward|”Professor Xiang Zhang urging students to stay calm”

Onward and Upward|Paragraphs needs outlines too

Onward and Upward|Say it with Numbers

Onward and Upward|港式與英式的英文寫作教學,有什麼區別?

Onward and Upward|Personal statement makeover

Onward and Upward|生命中不能承受之輕

Onward and Upward|寫作與踢波

Onward and Upward|「就算霍金來了,也得站起來敬酒」