Onward and Upward|You have a cute bunny because you can write well!

為了讓學生體會寫得一手好的英語,不單是為了考試拿高分,還是為了將來的人生有更多的好處和便利,我會經常跟他們分享我為了自己的practical matters而寫的英文書信。


有次我把我給愛協的信當成閱讀理解功課給一個11歲的學生做。她做到一半,舉起頭來說,「You have a cute bunny because you can write well!」我就知道我的啟發功夫有效了!

下面是信的原文和閱讀理解的題目和suggested answers。

報道無罪 知情有價 請即訂閱《追新聞》:

The letter

(“Isaac” was the name SPCA gave to the rabbit I wanted to adopt)

Dear SPCA,

I’m writing to express my wish to be Isaac’s mum.

I know rabbits are destructive and will bite anything (especially wires).

I know rabbit pee really stinks.

I know vet bills for rabbits are astronomical.

I know rabbits shouldn’t be kept in cages.

I know during the summer months (and when it’s particularly humid), rabbits need the aircon 24/7.

I know all these things because I shared eight joy-filled years with a rabbit who passed away last month. I’m now ready to welcome a new one into my life.

Attached are photos of my bunny-proofed apartment. Hopefully, Issac will be the master of this place soon, free roaming instead of sitting all hunched up in his cramped enclosure at SPCA. I so look forward to seeing him all happy and contented, stretching out all his limbs beside my feet as I work at my desk.

You’re welcome to inspect Issac’s future home anytime. I can be reached at XXXXXXXX.

Reading and Comprehension Q&A

1. Identify a technique Michelle uses in paragraphs 2-6 and describe its function.

Through her repetition of “I know,” Michelle achieves two aims: she can show the SPCA that she is knowledgeable about rabbits, and that she’s willing to handle the burden of taking care of her animal.

2. A good writer can paint pictures with words. Cite one example from the letter.

After citing the “cramped enclosure” Issac is confined to at the SPCA quarters, Michelle urges the charity to approve her adoption application by urging them to envision Issac’s life with her: “all happy and contented, stretching out all his limbs beside my feet as I work at my desk.”

3. Do you think this adoption application letter is persuasive? Why?

After giving SPCA a detailed picture of the life she can provide for Isaac, Michelle invites them to come inspect her apartment. So, SPCA has grounds to believe what she says about her home environment is true.


Michelle Ng


聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com

逢周日英國時間晚上8時 / 周一香港時間凌晨3時刊出

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