Michelle Ng

Onward and Upward|跟AI較量?

Onward and Upward|害人的DSE English

Onward and Upward|“Tears are our common language” – remembering Shiu Ka-Chun (1969-2025)

Onward and Upward|A writing tip from 大S

Onward and Upward|追數信兩封

Onward and Upward|“I don’t want my writing to sound like ChatGPT”

Onward and Upward|優秀的學生是被「傷害」出來的

Onward and Upward|為甚麼要學好英文寫作

Onward and Upward|做 DSE English 寫作題不一定要悶到抽筋

Onward and Upward|最難的GCSE English閱讀理解題目

Onward and Upward|Reading comprehension homework for the holidays

Onward and Upward|“Showing creative and logical thought”

Onward and Upward|“He stood out from the crowd”

Onward and Upward|“The writer’s intention is rarely taught in my school”

Onward and Upward|Putting a smile on your email recipient’s face

Onward and Upward|「老師以為我作文用ChatGPT」

Onward and Upward|準備考試如製作預製菜

Onward and Upward|恐怖片作為寫作教材