“As a reassuring word regarding the long term value and benefit of implants, I’d like to share this true story:
Many years ago, I had a patient comment that the work was “the price of a small car”. I could not disagree. However, that was over 20 years ago, and if it had been a car it no doubt would have gone through several repairs, servicing and most likely have already been replaced with a newer (and more expensive!) one.
However the implants and teeth that were eventually done for this patient are still in place and fully functioning with nothing more than simple cleaning appointments a couple of times per year.
Although I can’t guarantee this will be the same for every single implant/patient, in my experience I’m happy to say that this is quite typical of the majority of implants placed and restored here at VCCID.”
Michelle Ng
聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
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