Onward and Upward|Putting a smile on your email recipient’s face

我兩年半前決定移居到加拿大時,最大的挑戰是如何也把寵物兔帶上,因加拿大政府給申請進口兔子的人士,設立很多層障礙(我聽香港的pet travel agent說,是因加拿大政府嫌境內被遺棄的兔子太多)。結果,我花了四個月跟有關部門協商,才順利把寵物兔也變成加拿大「公民」。他「入籍」後半年,我再聯繫我們的case officers,謝謝她們的幫助,並跟她們分享兔子在溫哥華的生活照,她們其中一位這樣回覆我:“Thank you for all the cute pictures of your rabbit. They put a smile on our face.”

很多香港人被灌輸,business correspondance應用formal的風格去寫,但在外國,跟有業務來往的人通信,如果能add a human touch,甚至注入幽默元素,是能為自己加分的。


幾週前我生日,我的牙醫給我發了這個birthday greeting。It put a smile on my face:

Happy Birthday Michelle!

Wishing you a day full of smiles, new memories, and good vibes.

P.S. Don’t forget to brush and floss after eating your birthday cake


我這週也寫了這封帶有幽默的thank you letter 給我的牙醫。It also put a smile on his face.

Since I got my dental implants, I’ve come to think of myself as having lived through the tooth fairy story in reverse. All I had to do was to slip you some money (through my banking app instead of under the pillow), and you gave me back my teeth, as if by magic.

My experience as your patient was fairy tale-like in other ways. My fear of the dentist was so deep-seated that it was like an eternal curse an evil witch had cast on me, yet you somehow managed to break it. The surgeries you performed on me were so stress-free under sedation that as I went through them, I felt as serene as Sleeping Beauty in her 100-year slumber.

With diligent flossing and brushing and regular checkups, I hope I can live with my new teeth happily ever after.


在大陸,封紅包是人際交往的潤滑劑。在外國,憑寫有人情味的business correspondance的本領,不花錢,有時也可以達到封紅包的效果。


Michelle Ng

聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com




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