“Avoid saying you have read Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time,” 一位在Bath University負責錄取physics學生的教授,在“How to Write a Winning UCAS Personal Statement”一書中提醒,“we read this statement in a large fraction of our applications and it has become a kind of cliche which does not lift you above the crowd.”
的確,為申請大學寫personal statement,如果沒法 “lift oneself above the crowd,” 自己的申請表就容易埋藏在其他申請表的汪洋大海中。
After a long day of academic lessons, I always look forward to my training sessions in lacrosse. Not only are they enjoyable. They also provide me with the best opportunity to develop my ability to be a team player. As a result, I’ve managed to become a good listener.
“Teamplayer” 和 a good listener” 均屬於空泛的詞彙,每個人都能這樣形容自己。
學生可以嘗試引用比喻,通過比喻來刻畫自己玩 lacrosse的感受,
I wasn’t surprised when I found myself immediately taking a liking to David Attenborough’s video clips on wildlife, for I already had a working knowledge of the kind of strange exhilaration that overcomes a prey animal when it’s on the run. Every time I’m in a lacrosse match with the ball in my net and opposing team members glaring at me, I feel the nervous energy of a prey that has a fraction of a second to decide whether to fight or flight. Unlike a lone prey in the wilderness, however, I have my teammates watching my back, and it’s by continually making the decision to pass the ball that I come to trust them and be trusted in return. As the youngest child in my family whose usual mode is to be the passive recipient of love and attention, I love the way team sports brings me out of my shell.
Michelle Ng
聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com