Dear Michelle,
Thank you for your sharing. Noah is trying to improve his writing and your demonstration, not only in words but also in person, is becoming a model for him. We recently received the feedback from his English teacher. He noticed Noah has improved a lot in writing recently. His writing is more accurate and starting to have some character. I didn’t expect he could write with character at this stage and this is better than anything! We are very grateful for your work, and wish you’d carry on writing.
Warm regards,
這是我給 Jade 的回覆:
Dear Jade,
This passage is from 張忠謀’s autobiography. He talks about attending MIT in the 1960s. I think this kind of education played a role in giving him the persistence to create 台積電:
My Oxford education was very similar (professors happily solved complex problems that had just been presented to them right in front of my eyes), and I try to provide that for my students too. They watch my reaction as I read their freshly-written stuff. I ask them probing questions. They become aware of their faults and oversights. I then offer them a solution by rewriting their stuff in front of them. Sometimes my mind is working well and I can rewrite very quickly, but other times I need time to think too. I think showing them the hard reality of writing is good because when they are stuck, they know it’s normal and won’t give up so easily.
報道無罪 知情有價 請即訂閱《追新聞》:
Michelle Ng
聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com
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