Onward and Upward|”Professor Xiang Zhang urging students to stay calm”

我以往在廣告界做過English copywriter,當時大陸地產行業蓬勃,所以我大部分的工作來自地產商,跟業界人士也有所接觸。我得悉雖然地產商知道客戶絕對不會因樓書裏的英文文案是native English而買樓,但這有助於打造國際化形象,所以檔次高的樓盤還是在意樓書裏英文的好壞。


報道無罪 知情有價 請即訂閱《追新聞》:


Statement from HKU President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Xiang Zhang urging students to stay calm.

“With the situation on campus now, I appeal to all HKU members to stay calm and rational.

If there are any who are planning to do anything with serious consequences, such as actions likely to injure people, I appeal to them NOT to do so.

We want to protect our students and our beloved campus.

Please do NOT create any situation which will lead to police entering the campus to search, to investigate or to make arrests.

I urge you NOT to resort to violence as it will not solve any problems.

Please help the university. Please stay calm. We care about each of you.”

My comments:

“With the situation on campus now, I appeal to all HKU members to stay calm and rational”

Note the way Zhang doesn’t even bother to spell out what is bothering his students. It seems to me that in couching his students’ animosity towards the CCP in the vaguest language possible (“the situation on campus now), Zhang is inadvertently revealing his utter indifference to them and their concerns.

“If there are any who are planning to do anything with serious consequences, such as actions likely to injure people, I appeal to them NOT to do so.”

Straightening out this convoluted sentence isn’t rocket science: “I strongly advise against committing acts that are not only illegal, but also injurious to yourself and others.”

“I appeal to all HKU members to stay calm and rational”; “We want to protect our students and our beloved campus”; “I urge you NOT to resort to violence as it will not solve any problems”; “Please help the university. Please stay calm. We care about each of you.”

Zhang’s interchangeable use of “I” and “we” is telling. The most charitable interpretation of “we” is “HKU management.” But it’s also conceivable that Zhang has let his vigilance slip, that “we” is a group of CCP-related folks he’s answerable to, whose existence the public isn’t supposed to be aware of. A possible scenario: it was this group that urged him to issue some sort of warning when students showed signs of staging protests on university premises.To get his superiors off his back, Zhang dashed off a note with little forethought – hence its sloppiness.

Michelle Ng

聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com
逢周日英國時間晚上8時 / 周一香港時間凌晨3時刊出



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