Onward and Upward|Inspiration is everywhere

有次我在一本關於園林設計的書,看到時裝設計師Bill Blass的花園裏的一個佈置:樹根旁邊的一大塊人像石雕的殘骸,如果落在別人手中應會被扔掉,但在Bill Blass手中卻成為給花園增添夢幻氛圍的工具。

後來我思考如何rewrite學生寫的一段過於平鋪直敘introduction時(see below),就想起Bill Blass的石雕佈置:學生文中提到的「Thalassophobia」(恐海症),雖然是心理學術語,但聽起來像古希臘神話裏的仕女名字,如果我的rewrite運用這個想像出來的元素,產生的效果可以跟石雕殘骸類似,給原文增添幾分夢幻:

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Student’s copy
When friends asked me to join them on a boat trip, I said yes, even though I had Thalassophobia (fear of deep waters). When I went on the trip, I was really nervous. I was hoping I could just stay on the boat, but was eventually forced to swim due to unforeseen reasons.

My rewrite
My dread of the sea may have had a fancy name – psychologists have christened it Thalassophobia (sounds like the name of a beautiful maiden in a Greek myth, right?) – but being afflicted by it was no picnic. There was a time when the mere act of watching submarine documentaries was enough to set off a panic attack in me. Yet I was eventually cured of my neurosis, in the most unexpected of circumstances.



Michelle Ng

聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com
逢周日英國時間晚上8時 / 周一香港時間凌晨3時刊出

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