I will be raising my fees starting from April.
I feel “bad” about asking for more money because I use my students to help me discover what I already know about writing, and there are times when I genuinely think I should pay parents for letting me use their children this way. But then, another part of me is aware of the unique way I can guide kids, and therefore I would like my fees to better reflect my value.
I look forward to continue seeing NAME OF STUDENT make progress.
報道無罪 知情有價 請即訂閱《追新聞》:
One tactic would be to put the blame on company policy:
As you know, you’re one of the clients I hold most dear. Alas, it’s company policy that we can’t continue serving clients with outstanding bills that go back as far as X months.
If you have some sort of payment plan in mind, please don’t hesitate to share with me. You have my word that I’ll try my best to persuade my finance colleagues to accept your proposal.
If it were up to me, I’d continue to provide services. But my hands are tied by my firm. Sorry.
Another tricky writing scenario:
Due to the slowdown in the global economy, we are now compelled to work under a tighter budget.
As a result, we have begun the process of asking our supplies for fee reductions.
When our contract with your company is up for renewal, we will be requesting a XX% discount on the ongoing rate. If these terms aren’t favourable enough for you, we may have to find another supplier.
I know this isn’t a pleasant note, but I sincerely hope we can continue doing business.
Michelle Ng
聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com
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