在我的學生群當中, 有想把 Business English 學好的成年人,他們經常讓我想起王昭君。
Almost always, 我學生的 Business English 和學生本人,跟王昭君和她的畫像一樣有出入。
Below is my rewrite of a letter written by a job applicant who has failed to land on her dream job but still wishes to keep in touch with the company.
Original version:
Hope you are doing well. I heard from ABC (name of headhunter) that your company hired another person. I wish your organization every success in the future. It was an honour to meet you and your team.
I’m still interested in working for your company. Please inform me if there is an opening in the future.
Let’s keep in touch!
All the best,
My rewrite
I learned from ABC (headhunter) that an offer was made to another candidate.
Since I am of the opinion (especially after the interviews) that my skill set and work style are a good fit, do consider me again when a suitable opening arises. On my part, every now and then I’ll give you an update on my latest achievements.
I wish your company every success.
Michelle Ng
聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com