在加拿大,萬聖節 is a big deal, 尤其是獨立屋多的社區,幾乎每戶都會悉心裝飾自己的前院。
前幾天我跟一個也處於加拿大學生也應一下節,上課時寫了以恐怖片作為主題的文章。我和他寫作風格上的區別,正是 show vs tell 的區別。
Because of I have a dad who loves to watch horror films, even though I’m only 11, I have already watched far more horror films than boys my age.
This is why when I watched The Conjuring, Annabel failed to scare me. I had already been exposed to characters that were far more terrifying than the doll. I did like Saw, however, especially the scene where the doctor saws off his own leg.
I look forward to watching more many more killing scenes in the future. I love the way they can cause fright in me without actually harming me.
My rewrite
Even though I’m only 11, I can tell whether a murder scene in a horror movie lives up to its promise the way a wine connoisseur can tell the provenance of a glass of wine. I have my dad to thank for my sophistication: a horror film enthusiast himself, he deemed it normal over the years to keep me by his side as he watched re-runs of his favourite slasher films.
Annabel in The Conjuring? What a joke of a film, a mere mishmash of borrowed themes from other horror movies that score much higher on the scare quotient. The doctor who saws off his ankle in The Saw? That one is much better. As the deed is being done, the blood that seeps out of his wound is of the correct shade and consistency, the sound of his flesh splitting is disturbingly realistic, the way his bone finally splinters under the force of the saw is chilling enough to make my spine tingle.
So enamoured I am of the horror film genre that in the future, if both Harvard and Vancouver Film School give me offers, I may prefer to go to the latter to learn, among other things, how to handcraft even more realistic splintered bones and ghoulish dolls.
Michelle Ng
聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com