Onward and Upward|一樣遠比考試高分重要的東西

我最近在「住加男人CanMen」的YouTube Channel,聽到一個香港人在加拿大成功找到理想工作的故事(從2:26:30開始聽)。

僱主是一家很少亞洲面孔的公司,該港人頭一次應聘不成功,但他沒放棄。他先重新遞交了新的CV和cover letter,在裏面分析應聘不成功的原因。然後,接下來的兩、三個月,他會注意該公司在LinkedIn上的動向,當公司舉行講座等活動,他會參加,並主動跟公司高層談話,除了表達自己想成為公司僱員,還指出公司業務上有甚麼可以改進,和自己如何能作出相關的貢獻。結果,港人很快獲聘。


以上求職故事,正好證明我經常這樣鼓勵學生是對的:如果「補習英文」只為了考試拿高分,那太沒志氣,畢竟人生大部分時光是活在成年人世界,那裏沒人管你學生年代考試拿多少分,但有沒有effective communication skills卻非常關鍵,因這項技能直接影響出路。試問上述案例,如果該港人英文書寫和口語能力欠佳,他就算有知識有技能,也沒法在異地發揮。

我現在是快樂的自僱人士,對上一次找工作,要數到《蘋果日報》還在的時候,我發求職信給黎生。作為writing expert的我,當然不會選擇寫公式化的信。我先找common ground,我多年前看過一個採訪黎生的報導,他提到他喜歡看Michael Polanyi的書,恰巧我牛津論文是研究Polanyi,我就先提這一點,然後從Polanyi的生平帶出我個人的價值觀和人生走過的路。這比一開始就開面見山說我是來求職的更有誠意。



The actual version

Dear Jimmy,

I once read that you took the trouble to try to read Michael Polanyi.

I remember this fact about you very clearly, because I did my masters thesis at Oxford on Polanyi. I remember being very surprised that someone like you would attempt something as impractical as tackling Polanyi’s dense text. Reading philosophy is so unfashionable in Hong Kong, and Polanyi isn’t even mainstream philosophy.

Did you know Polanyi didn’t do philosophy until he was in his 50s? He switched from chemistry to philosophy, a huge leap. He later became a Fellow at Merton College, Oxford. There his work was coolly received, partly because longtime philosophers regarded him as an oddball who had the temerity to invade their turf.

After graduation I worked in media and PR in mainland China for 10 years. I then returned to Hong Kong, and have since been writing for independent news outlets like 眾新聞 and Hong Kong Free Press. The thing about Polanyi that has stayed with me throughout the years is: never be afraid to travel off the beaten path.

My desire to write for the English edition of Apple Daily is my latest act of nonconformity. It stems from my belief that China won’t stay this way forever, that I can afford to wait till it liberalizes again – when it does, I will go back to share my knowledge, and my stint at Apple Daily, which took place when it was at its most downtrodden, will be an asset, a badge of honor.

Thanks for keeping Apple Daily running, so that (among other things) oddballs like me can “有訂去”



The 漁翁散網 version

Dear Jimmy,

I am writing to apply for a writing position.

Equipped with a Masters Degree in Philosophy from Oxford University, I started my career as a copywriter and account manager for Cossette Communication Group’s office in Shanghai. The scope of my duties encompassed writing English ad copies, translating and client handling. I then became a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, writing stories on China’s stock markets, and retail and shipping sectors.

My fluency in English, together with my exposure a wide variety of writing tasks, can ensure that I can be a valuable member of your team.

I look forward to receiving your reply.



Michelle Ng

聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com




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