Letter One
Back in November, when you asked for a two month extension to pay the $1 million owed to us (from 15 Nov 2024 to 15 Jan 2025), we agreed only with the greatest reluctance, for at the time we were coping with our own cashflow issues as well.
Now that the January deadline has passed without us being paid and (more worryingly) without any explanation from you, it is hard for us not to be seriously alarmed. For one thing, we had been expecting the incoming $1 million to help us settle our bill with our wool supplier – an expenditure we had incurred for your sake, so that we could deliver your sweater order ahead of the 2024 fall season.
If the outstanding $1 million isn’t paid by 10 Feb 2025, we will stop working on your existing orders. This means you will have no product release for the 2025 spring season.
Letter Two
Today, I went through with Mary the essay she had written for her English exam (which she had scored a high 98% on). I was pleased to find out how well she managed to perform under pressure; her story was very well structured. She could have improved her piece further by presenting more details here and there, so I went on to show her precisely how to do this.
I was checking my bank account when I noticed the payment for a lesson back in Dec may have been missed. According to my records (attached), the fee for Dec 16 is still outstanding, unless it was paid from another banking app.
Our lives are busy, so parents do miss payments every now and then.
I really enjoy teaching Mary and look forward to sharing more of my knowledge with her in the future.
Michelle Ng
聯絡方式: michelleng.coach@proton.me
個人網站: https://michellengwritings.com